Review methods for restoring shortleaf pine on your site, including a shortleaf nursery list, and investigate how tree improvements and hybridization may influence your shortleaf stands.
Artificial Regeneration of Shortleaf Pine
Use of seedlings or seeds to establish shortleaf pine stands, including techniques for site prep.
Shortleaf Pine Natural Regeneration
Techniques to regenerate a site by natural seed fall, including techniques for site prep.
Shortleaf Pine Tree Improvement
Breeding programs to improve seedling survival and enhanced height and volume.
Shortleaf Hybridization
How shortleaf-loblolly hybridization may influence shortleaf traits.
Nursery List & Management
Nursery List
Listing of shortleaf pine nurseries, by state, and other nursery
Shortleaf Containerized Seedlings
Advantages/disadvantages of using containerized seedlings.
Bareroot Seedlings
Advantages/disadvantages of using bareroot seedlings.
Seedling Planting Guide
Coming Soon!
Guideline for planting seedlings.