
Home Shortleaf Pine Initiative Conferences

6th Biennial Shortleaf Pine Conference

The Shortleaf Pine Initiative holds a biennial conference series on shortleaf pine restoration, attracting foresters, biologists, researchers, landowners, and industry partners from across the eastern US. The 6th Biennial Shortleaf Pine Conference will be held in Lake Guntersville State Park, Alabama, November 11-13, 2025. 

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5th Biennial Shortleaf Pine Conference

The 5th Biennial Shortleaf Pine Conference was held in Van Buren, Missouri, October 1-3, 2019. 

5th Biennial Shortleaf Pine Conference Agenda 

Below are PDFs of the presentations made at the 5th Biennial Shortleaf Pine Conference in 2019. Presentations from past conferences can be found on our YouTube channel: 

A Leisurely Look at the History of Shortleaf Pine Research and Development in Missouri Steve Shifley,
US Forest Service (retired)
A Shared Stewardship Partnership Model for Prescribed Fire in the Interior Highlands of Arkansas McRee Anderson,
The Nature Conservancy in Arkansas
Breeding Bird Response to Shortleaf Pine Restoration and Potential Brown-Headed Nuthatch Reintroduction in the Ozarks-Ouachita Interior Highlands Sarah Kendrick,
Missouri Department of Conservation
Communication Plan for the Shortleaf Pine Initiative
Rob Sutter,
Enduring Conservation Outcomes, LLC
Effects of Weather and Wverstory on Understory Productivity of SLP Savanna, Woodland, and Forest Rod Will,
Oklahoma State University
Fire in the Park: A Look Back at 33 Years of Restoring and Managing Shortleaf Pine Natural Communities in Missouri's State Parks Ken McCarty,
Missouri State Parks
History and Composition of the Interior Highlands Shortleaf Pine Restoration Initiative Jane Fitzgerald,
American Bird Conservancy
Is Shortleaf a Modern-Day Phoenix? Ron Masters,
Blue Mountain Forestry and Wildlife Consulting
New Advancements in Understanding Shortleaf Pine Ecology and Fire Throughout its Range Mike Stambaugh,
Missouri Tree Ring Lab
Pine Barrens Restoration in Kentucky Josh Lillpop,
Kentucky Natural Areas
Restoring Woodlands and Savannahs in the Eastern US: Lessons Learned from a Decade of Research Pat Keyser,
Center for Native Grasslands Management
Shortleaf Pine Restoration and Management in Southern Region National Forests Gregg Vickers,
US Forest Service
Shortleaf Pine-Oak Woodland Restoration in the Pioneer Forest, the First 10 Years Neal Humke,
L-A-D Foundation, Pioneer Forest
Status of Shortleaf Pine Genetic Resources, Current and Future Ben Rowland,
US Forest Service
Ten Years of Oak-Pine Woodland Creation at the University of the South Nate Wilson,
University of the South
The Grassland Floor of the Shortleaf Pine Ecosystem and its Significance to Biodiversity Conservation Dwayne Estes,
Southeastern Grassland Initiative
The Western Frontier: Shortleaf Pine Restoration in Texas Mike Oliver,
Texas Natural Resources Conservation Service


Shortleaf Conference Map
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