Mature shortleaf pine stand with an herbaceous understory.
Shortleaf pine woodland in dormant season with an herbaceous understory, maintained through frequent prescribed fire (a fire return interval of approximately 3 years).
Shortleaf pine-hardwood savanna with an herbaceous understory, including grass, maintained through grazing and prescribed fire.
Shortleaf pine-hardwood savanna with an herbaceous understory, including grass, maintained through grazing and prescribed fire.
Shortleaf pine-hardwood savanna with an herbaceous understory, including grass, maintained through grazing and prescribed fire.
Shortleaf pine-hardwood savanna with an herbaceous understory, including grass, maintained through grazing and prescribed fire.
Shortleaf pine-hardwood savanna with an herbaceous understory, including grass, maintained through grazing and prescribed fire.
Shortleaf pine-hardwood savanna with an herbaceous understory, including grass, maintained with prescribed fire.