Prescribed Fire
Mature pine-hardwood stand following thinning and prescribed burning.
Mature pine-hardwood stand following thinning and prescribed burning.
Mature pitch pine/shortleaf stand. Commercial thin/weed and burn. Two burns within 5 years of post-thinning. Thinned by whole tree chip harvest method.
Season/Year: January 2013
Pitch pine-hardwood stand with shortleaf pine. Stand managed with prescribed fire.
Prescribed burn in a shortleaf stand.
Prescribed burn in a shortleaf-oak stand.
Shortleaf pine stand following a prescribed burn.
Shortleaf pine stand managed with prescribed fire on a 1-2 year return interval.
Shortleaf pine stand managed with prescribed fire on a 1-2 year return interval. Stand visited on the 4th Biennial Shortleaf Pine Initiative Conference field tour.
Shortleaf pine woodland in dormant season with an herbaceous understory, maintained through frequent prescribed fire (a fire return interval of approximately 3 years).
Shortleaf pine-hardwood savanna with an herbaceous understory, including grass, maintained through grazing and prescribed fire.
Shortleaf pine-hardwood savanna with an herbaceous understory, including grass, maintained through grazing and prescribed fire.
Shortleaf pine-hardwood savanna with an herbaceous understory, including grass, maintained through grazing and prescribed fire.
Shortleaf pine-hardwood savanna with an herbaceous understory, including grass, maintained through grazing and prescribed fire.
Shortleaf pine-hardwood savanna with an herbaceous understory, including grass, maintained through grazing and prescribed fire.
Shortleaf pine-hardwood savanna with an herbaceous understory, including grass, maintained with prescribed fire.
Shortleaf pine-oak stand during a prescribed burn.
Shortleaf-loblolly pine stand following a prescribed burn.
Thirty-five year old naturally regenerated shortleaf stand, precommercial thinned and burned. Season/Year: March 2009.