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Home Media & Resources Publications An individual-tree growth and yield prediction system for uneven-aged shortleaf pine stands

An individual-tree growth and yield prediction system for uneven-aged shortleaf pine stands (2000)

Huebschmann, M. M., Gering, L. R., Lynch, T. B., Bitoki, O., & Murphy, P. A. (2000). An individual-tree growth and yield prediction system for uneven-aged shortleaf pine stands. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 24(2), 112-120. Retrieved from

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A system of equations modeling the growth and development of uneven-aged shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.) stands is described. The prediction system consists of two main components: (1) a distance-independent, individual-tree simulator containing equations that forecast ingrowth, basal-area growth, probability of survival, total and merchantable heights, and total and merchantable volumes and weights of shortleaf pine trees; and (2) stand-level equations that predict hardwood ingrowth, basal-area growth, and mortality. These equations were combined into a computer simulation program that forecasts future states of uneven-aged shortleaf pine stands. Based on comparisons of observed and predicted stand conditions in shortleaf pine permanent forest inventory plots and examination of the growth patterns of hypothetical stands, the simulator makes acceptable forecasts of stand attributes

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