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Home Media & Resources Publications Productivity of planted shortleaf pine in artificially compacted Clarksville soil

Productivity of planted shortleaf pine in artificially compacted Clarksville soil (2007)

Ponder Jr, F. (2007). Productivity of planted shortleaf pine in artificially compacted Clarksville soil. Proceedings of a symposium; 2006 November 7-9; Springfield, MO. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-15. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station: 158-164. Retrieved from

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After 9 years, tree survival was 72, 65, and 70 percent for not compacted, medium compacted, and severely compacted treatments, respectively, for shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata Mill.) planted in a forest clearcut on the Carr Creek State Forest in Shannon County, Missouri. The study is in one of the USDA Forest Service's Long-term Soil Productivity Sites to assess the effects of soil disturbance on site productivity across a range of forest sites. Both total height growth and diameter growth of shortleaf pine at breast height were markedly higher for compacted treatments than for treatments not compacted. Controlling understory vegetation also increased both tree height and diameter at breast height growth. Soil bulk density differences were significant only for the 10-20 cm depth, which were 1.40 and 1.84 g.cm3 for not compacted and compacted plots at the beginning of the study, were 1.32 and 1.80 g/cm3 for the same depth and treatments after 8 years. Results suggest that soil compaction associated with tree harvesting on this soil persisted at some depths for more than 5 years. Soil compaction benefited both survival and growth of shortleaf pine. Further discussion is warranted as to how soil physical properties associated with compaction are advantageous to shortleaf pine growth

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