Shortleaf Pine Events

Home Shortleaf Pine Initiative Events 19th Biennial Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference

19th Biennial Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference

When March 13rd - 16th, 2017
Where The Inn at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
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Initiated in 1980, The Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference provides a forum for scientists and practitioners actively engaged in the broad field of silviculture to report their study results, to present new concepts and techniques, to discuss topics of mutual interest, to coordinate cooperative efforts, and to stay current on developments in the field. Scientists, foresters, landowners, and others interested in forest management have found the conferences and their proceedings to be valuable sources of information on current and developing trends in southern silviculture.

Presentations emphasize research on topics such as: pine and hardwood silviculture; nutritional amendments; carbon sequestration; vegetation management; site preparation; pine and hardwood natural and artificial regeneration; intermediate treatments; midstory competition control, growth and yield; water quality; forest health; fire; economics; and wildlife ecology and management.

The three day event will include several concurrent sessions during two days, a poster session during breaks and socials, and an optional field tour on the third day. 

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