Shortleaf Pine Events

Home Shortleaf Pine Initiative Events 8th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress

8th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress

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  • Conference
When November 18th - 22nd, 2019
Where Loews Ventana Canyon Resort | Tucson, AZ
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The 8th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress, hosted by the Association for Fire Ecology in cooperation with the Southwest Fire Science Consortium, will redefine the ecological concept of pyrodiversity to explore cross-cutting issues across a variety of disciplines. Presentations will feature the latest in research results, applications, case studies, and lessons learned, and special sessions will be designed to unify science and application and to create opportunities for interdisciplinary learning. In addition, fire circle discussions will allow small groups to focus on key topics and learn from one another. Our plenary sessions will include the popular Fire AFEx Talks, which are engaging presentations (think TED or TEDx talks) that will focus on the conference theme and integrate multiple topics. We welcome all those interested in fire ecology and management to attend, and we aim to create a diverse and inclusive event.

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