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Home Shortleaf Pine Initiative Events Missouri Natural Resources Conference 2018

Missouri Natural Resources Conference 2018

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  • Conference
When January 31st - February 2nd, 2018
Where Osage Beach, MO
Presenters Stanley A. Temple
Dr. Mark Morgan
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The Missouri Natural Resources Conference(MNRC) is an annual meeting organized and sponsored by the Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, the Missouri Society of American Foresters, Missouri Chapter of the Wildlife Society, and the Show-Me Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society.  The purpose of the meeting is to promote wise management of Missouri's renewable natural resources by fostering exchange of information and by promoting cooperation among resource management professionals in Missouri.  Cooperating agencies are the Missouri Department of Conservation; University of Missouri, School of Natural Resources; Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; U.S. Forest Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Professionals have opportunity to listen to plenary speakers, participate in fish/forest/wildlife/soil resource workshops, listen to presentations focused on Missouri's natural resources, and participate in their respective society meetings.

Students are encouraged to present research posters, give presentations about their research, participate in workshops, listen to other natural resource presentations, and participate in a job fair, resume review, networking session, student workshops, and student giveaways. 

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