Shortleaf Pine Events

Home Shortleaf Pine Initiative Events South Carolina Prescribed Fire Council Meeting

South Carolina Prescribed Fire Council Meeting

When September 21st - 22nd, 2016
Where National Wild Turkey Federation 535 Gary Hill Rd Edgefield, SC
Contact Name
Contact Phone (843) 563-0135 x 3
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Audience: Resource Managers, Landowners

Formed in 2003, the South Carolina Prescribed Fire Council (PFC) is comprised of individuals representing public agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private landowners who use prescribed fire to manage their lands. Members of the Council see the need to promote prescribed burning by informing our citizens about the important role fire plays in the stewardship of our natural resources, and by fostering professionalism among practitioners of prescribed burning. The PFC coordinates with various organizations, but functions autonomously. 

The first day of this workshop will be a field tour of the Long Cane Ranger District near Edgefield, starting at 1:00 pm.  The first day will conclude at the National Wild Turkey Federation’s Palmetto Shooting Complex.  Attendees will have the opportunity to shoot the trap or skeet course for a minimal fee starting at 4:00 pm (please bring your own gun and ammo).  A social and networking event will begin at 6:30 pm.  

The second day will be held at the Pavilion located at the Palmetto Shooting Complex from 9:00 am until 3:30 pm.  This will be a classroom format and lunch will be served. 

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