Initiative Updates

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Initiative Updates

October 17, 2016

SPI has accomplished much in its three short years, but one of its greatest achievements is the release of the Shortleaf Pine Restoration Plan. Released in June of this year, the Plan is the result of a series of workshops held in 2013 and 2014 and seeks to improve the shortleaf pine ecosystem across its entire range. This is not only a victory for SPI, but for our many partners that contributed their time and expertise to its completion. You can read the Plan in its entirety at

We have some exciting things on the horizon that I look forward to sharing with you.  Rob Sutter, Contractor, Holly Campbell with Southern Regional Extension Forestry, and numerous contributors have been busy updating and creating shortleaf pine fact sheets that will be a valuable resource to both landowners and professionals.

I have spent much time on the road lately, representing the Initiative at workshops and conferences around the region. To keep track of events happening in the conservation world and see where SPI is being represented, visit Speaking of events, be sure to mark your calendars for the 4th Biennial Shortleaf Pine Conference, held October 3-5, 2017, in Galloway, New Jersey. Planning for the conference is already underway, so stay tuned for more information. 

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