The Shortleaf Pine Initiative

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The Shortleaf Pine Initiative

Restoring an American forest legacy

July 17, 2015
Shortleaf pine associated ecosystems provide diverse habitat, as pictured in this shortleaf pine savanna in the Pushmataha Wildlife Management Area. Credit: Clarence Coffey

Launched in the spring of 2013, the Shortleaf Pine Initiative (SPI) is a collaborative, strategic and energetic response to the dramatic decline of shortleaf pine forests and associated habitats that once covered a vast area from eastern Texas to Florida and up the eastern seaboard to New Jersey. Over the last 30 years more than 50% of these forested acres have been lost with the most significant declines taking place east of the Mississippi River.

While efforts to reverse these disturbing trends have been made in the past, now is the time for a more robust and concerted effort involving stakeholders across the range. At stake is an extraordinary diversity of cultural, ecological and economic values centered on wildlife and recreation, water quality and a high value wood products industry. With millions of people depending on the benefits of this imperiled ecosystem, the need to develop a range-wide conservation strategy is more compelling than ever.

While some restoration efforts are already underway, a range-wide conservation plan for shortleaf pine has been developed by our Advisory Committee to identify optimum restoration strategies, increase coordination among shortleaf proponents and maximize the effectiveness of ongoing efforts and will be available during our Biennial Shortleaf Pine Conference in Knoxville, Tennessee September 22-24, 2015.

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