Who's Involved

Home Shortleaf Pine Initiative Who's Involved Planning Team Members

Planning Team Members

The following individuals were instrumental through the years in building support and gathering resources that laid the foundation for the Shortleaf Pine Initiative. They worked behind the scenes organizing stakeholder meetings, gathering data relevant to shortleaf pine, and developing a base of researchers, foresters, biologists, and stakeholders that assisted in the development and eventual implementation of the shortleaf pine restoration plan.
McRee Anderson Project Manager wanderson@tnc.org
Mike Black Senior Conservationist/Wildlife-Forestry Liason shortleafpineinitiative@gmail.com
Clarence Coffey Demonstration Sites/Field Operations tallgrass1@charter.net
Lark Hayes Consultant/Reviewer lark.hayes@larkconsult.com
George Hernandez Senior Scientist ghernandez@fs.fed.us
Elizabeth Holcomb Data Development/GIS Specialist edoxon@utk.edu
Alex Wyss Media and Marketing awyss@tnc.org
Doug Zollner Plan Developer/Lead Writer dzollner@tnc.org
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