Who's Involved

Home Shortleaf Pine Initiative Who's Involved Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee

The SPI builds on the past efforts of federal and state agencies as well as other shortleaf proponents. Here's a brief chronology of some key developments that ultimately led to the launch of SPI in the spring of 2013.
Tim Albritton Tim Albritton Natural Resources Conservation Service tim.albritton@al.usda.gov
McRee Anderson McRee Anderson The Nature Conservancy wanderson@tnc.org
Laurel Barnhill Laurel Barnhill US Fish and Wildlife Service laurel_barnhill@fws.gov
Mike Black Mike Black Shortleaf Pine Initiative shortleafpineinitiative@ gmail.com
Leslie Boby Leslie Boby Southern Regional Extension Forestry lboby@sref.info
Tim Caughran Tim Caughran Quail Forever tcaughran@ quailforever.org
Brian Chandler Brian Chandler Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies brian.chandler@tn.gov
Chris Coxen Chris Coxen National Wild Turkey Federation ccoxen@nwtf.net
Chris Erwin Chris Erwin American Forest Foundation cerwin@ forestfoundation.org
Don Hodges Don Hodges University of Tennessee dhodges2@utk.edu
Pat Keyser Pat Keyser UTIA, Center for Native Grasslands Management pkeyser@utk.edu
Kay Reed Kay Reed US Forest Service, Southern Region kay.reed@usda.gov
Jonathan Scott Jonathan Scott National Fish and Wildlife Foundation jonathan.scott@nfwf.org
Robert Sutter Robert Sutter Enduring Conservation Outcomes, LLC rsutter@ enduringconservation.com
Chris Topik Chris Topik The Nature Conservancy ctopic@tnc.org
Bob Williams Bob Williams Pine Creek Forestry bob@pinecreekforestry.com
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